Thursday, 8 September 2011


Lately just speaking to people about many different things and me being me have picked up on a lot.... Not that i can say it cause i do it as well but my goodness people get scared and hide from things they would like to take a chance on, Like i said i do it just as much but just seeing things and hearing things makes me wonder... people really just live life in fear sometimes and most of it has to do with rejection and what the bad out come will be.
Yes live life the way you want but don't regret things try not to have too many of those what if's hanging over your head. Yes you can fall flat on your face but you live.. you pick yourself back up and move on, Life can have it's hugely crappy things but it can also have it's wonderful things and taking chances can lead to amazing things.
If i hadn't of taken the chance of getting back together with Grant i would never of had Jack... Hell if i didn't take the chance with Grant i would never have found out what love really feels like and to be someone's world(granted it didn't last long but still) and if i didn't take the chance going for a younger guy with mick i wouldn't have my baby girl. Also i have met some amazing people just by going for it... Yes i have failed so many times by taking a chance but it has taught me so much.
There are a few things i am holding back taking a chance but everyone has those things.... i guess things are good how they are if they are going to change it will be later down the track i guess. I think being as sick as i got made me realise all the good things in my life again and it was just the right kick in the butt to get me back to chipper positive me! yes things still really need to be sorted out with crappy "work" but it will get sorted so i am gunna just figure out what next and go from there!!

The past week and a bit has been horrible me and the kids have been sooo sick but we are all finally on the mend which means i can get back to exercising and getting on top of my house work. Although my kitchen is clean and my fridge is spotless thanks to Jimmy cleaning it for em the other night lol. I am just glad we are all getting better seeing as i have my first markets with my sister this Sunday and next weekend is my sister 30th birthday and we are all staying in the gong for 2 nights which is going to be sooo much fun hanging out with everyone and just having fun! Gunna be a bit of a rough day Sat but i will get through and have an awesome time celebrating my sister turning the big 3-0!!!

Gunna go and find some food, i am a little hungry which is a massive thing right now LOL
love yas xoxo

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