Saturday, 23 July 2011

New blog!!!

So i have decided that i am loving this blogging thing and i wanted to make one about me and my kidlets!!
My life is never boring most of you know this i have an amazing almost 8 year old boy Jack who is a challenge everyday and has been since birth.. Nothing overly serious but still his life is always going to a bit of a struggle. I wouldn't change him for anything he is my mini man the one male in my life that is constant and always there even when i am upset about something to do with him.The next 6-12 months are going to be an interesting time but hopefully at the end of it we will know exactly what is going on.
It has been me and Jack for a really long time we have such a bond i never imagined i would have with my kids, he amazes me everyday with some of the stuff he comes up with.... Some of you know what a character my mini man is and the stuff he comes out with. One of the latest is when he needs to pee he screams out "TOILET" and runs up the hall way to pee.... So silly but makes me laugh every time. He is the biggest fan of Dr Who and that is his obsession with it atm but i think Harry potter might be starting to creep back in LOL.

So about my angel girl Lilly. She is 15 1/2 months and she mazes me everyday with her beauty and her mind. She is such a clever bub i can see her doing amazing things in life. My pregnancy with Lilly was a bit rocky at the end but she cam a day early my emergency c-section and she was a healthy baby girl. I had a very things happen but i am fine now and that is what matters. I always wanted a little girl and i couldn't have asked for a better one. She grows so much everyday(well not height wise)her newest thing is drawing she loves getting a pencil or pen and finding something to draw on.I think he biggest obsession is balls.. she loves throwing them and chasing them makes me feel like i am playing with a puppy cause she loves me to throw it so she can go get it LOL. I am amazed at my bond with her and also the bond between her and Jack... there may be 7 year difference between them but they are so close already.She loves her big brother!

I am so blessed to have my baby's some days are hard specially since i am doing it mostly on my own but i couldn't imagine my life without them. I love them so much and just want the best for them. I love seeing them smile and laugh it brightens my day.
I am going to leave it there for today. I will update frequently they are always doing new and insane things LOL

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