Monday, 28 November 2011

My new chapter

I know i haven't written in here for a while but i have had a lot going on in my life the last few months and honestly i wasn't sure how to express it all... There has been so much joy and happiness along with with stress and questioning things that have happened also not to mention the craziness of it all and trying to figure out how to deal with it all. But now things have settled down it is time i start blogging again!!

I was going to start from the start but i think i just wanna dive into the biggest part of my newest chapter which is Jellybean!!
Jellybean is what we are calling our baby till we know if it is a boy or a girl as i hate saying "it". You are probably thinking what the hell she is pregnant.... and well yes i am actually i am 14 weeks today! 26 weeks to go(give or take). I know it isn't under the best circumstances but i am a strong believer in things happen for a reason so Jellybean was meant to be and i have the most amazing man standing by me and to be my partner! I must say out of all my bubs i think this honestly was the most shocking of all... I was so worried about telling Jimmy and my family and friends.. really i dreaded it. Things with Jimmy went well so that was a good start. After that it was down hill but i understand and totally get it!!! Things seem to be settling down which THANK THE LUCKY STARS!!!!! I have had 2 ultra sounds and the down syndrome test and all is good and clear... Bubs is healthy happy and measuring as average size. I am already starting to look pregnant and not just fat now... it is still unbelievable i am doing this again so quickly but it is slowly starting to be more real even with my belly sticking out. I think my biggest concern with me is putting on a heap of weight while pregnant  had just lost 14kg :( but i am trying not to over do it with the food and specially the junk food but sometimes it is hard when i actually feel like eating something. 
So far i must say favourite pregnancy no morning sickness just off food, the headaches haven't been too bad and the peeing isn't too bad yet either... i am feeling so much better and have been for a few weeks back to being able to eat anything which is nice and not really looking at food and going ewwwww. My carpel tunnel seems to be kicking in a bit which isn't cool but i will see how i go with that! I am already needing bigger clothes just as my belly has started going round and that stuff lol.
I have my big ultra sound on the 4th Jan next year and i cant wait i will be at the almost half way mark and hopefully we find out what it is!! I am due on the 28th of May so that date really cant come soon enough although i will try and make the most of having just 2 rugrats!
I am going to go need to wrangle up Jack and i will blog again soon i promise!!
bye xoxo